Saturday, March 6, 2010

Countdown to BMT (Basic Military Training)

It's Been nearly five months since I started the process of joining the USAF. It's totally worth the wait though. Because I didn't settle for and "open" job slot (which means you are signing up for whatever job becomes available in the selected aptitude area) I had to wait a month longer to sign my final contracts and everything, but I got the most awesome job I could hope for... Weather Apprentice, which averages about 2 openings a year from what my recruiter told me. I've always loved science and been facinated by the weather.
I've been going to the gym now since the end of November and WORKING MY BUTT OFF to make sure that I was prepared for what is to come at BMT. My suggestions, if you are a pre-Air Force-BMT-er, is that if you haven's started preparing your body for whats to come, DO IT NOW! I'm so thankful that I did. My goal was to have the graduation requirements met before I got to Lackland AFB, and I'm proud to say that I have met that goal with 2 weeks left until I ship out. 50 Sit-ups in 2 minutes, 45 push-ups in 2 minutes, and running 2.0 miles a day in under 15 minutes = you are well on you way to surviving BMT from what I've heard. ALSO, get the book called "The Airman's Handbook" or whatever its called, I would geive you the correct title and author, but that would require me getting up and going to my room to get the book. AND I'M TOO LAZY TO DO THAT. Now, obviously, I will be taking and 8.5 week hiatus from this blog once I ship to basic on March 23rd. My plan is to get back here as soon as I can and tell y'all if all my planning paid off, then as I continue my journey through tech school and on the job training, I will provide my readers (if i ever actually get any!) with as much info as I legally can on my day to day life as it happens. I say "legally" because I'm not entirely sure about what is okay and what isn't okay to talk about yet.
Important dates before I ship are March 8th for 15 day briefing, and March 15 for 7 day briefing. THESE ARE MANDATORY, so expect to drop everything and go to these. Some recruiters may let you come in for you briefing a couple days early if you have a conflict. Sad to say, I gave up my spring break trip to south padre island just so I could make sure that I got to my 7 day briefing, and stayed out of trouble (which isn't that hard to find on a small island next to the Mexican border, with 1000's of drunk college students). 
What I have memorized of the "Airman's Creed" as of today:

I am an American Airman
I am a warrior
I have answered my nations call.

I am and American Airman
My mission is to fly, fight, and win.
I am faithful to a proud heritage
A tradition of honor
and a legacy of valor.

Have a great Sunday everyone. I don't plan on posting anything tomorrow, but if anything interesting happens... YOU SHALL BE THE FIRST TO KNOW! Monday is my 15 day briefing. WISH ME LUCK!

~Your Friendly Future Airman~